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Data is everything. To practice analytical approaches, having access to real data sources would facilitate learning curve improvement. The practical and tangible challenges can not be experienced with synthetic datasets.   

Some oil companies have officially released either some or a complete set of data of their oil and gas fields. Here, some of the current data sources which are publicly available for everybody are addressed. In the second tab, you may access the data from other sectors than the oil and gas industry.

log plot
Athabasca Oil Sands Data McMurray, Alberta

The dataset contains 2193 wells with well logs, stratigraphic sections, and lithology information.

Kerry 3D, Marine Seismic, New Zealand

The dataset contains 1Gbytes of prestack migrated final volume provided by New Zealand Crown Minerals. It is on the Amazon cloud

Kahu 3D, Marine Seismic, New Zealand

The dataset contains 6.2 Gbytes of prestack migrated final volume provided by New Zealand Crown Minerals. It is on the Amazon cloud

B-51-94-LA 3D Seismic Survey, Gulf of Mexico

These data were acquired commercially for geophysical and geological (G&G) exploration of oil and gas prospects on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). The Dept. of Interior, which regulates G&G activities on the OCS, acquired these data in order to ensure that the Federal government received fair market value for leases issued for oil and gas production on the OCS, and to accomplish other regulatory functions.

23 Onshore Basins in Brazil

More than 2 TB of data from Brazil onshore can be accessed through MapStand. These data include digital well logs, post-stack 2D and 3D seismic, and other non-seismic datasets (with the exception of the pre-stack seismic data). Currently, it is physically available for the data fans and will available online to download in near future. 

Snowball 3D Seismic Survey

The primary objective of the survey was to better define near field structures and help clarify undeveloped reserves and plays within the 3D area. The primary target of the 3D imaging is the early Permian sequence. The SA portion of the survey was located in the main within the Innamincka Regional Reserve but did extend down to Bollards Lagoon.
The total surface covered by this survey was 1768kms2 of which 507kms2 was in SA.

1240 Norwegian Well Core Data

Porosity and permeability measurements of core plugs of 1240 wells are released. The excel dataset comes from Norwegian petroleum wells with lithology and core plug geological description. This data is digital but some wells have been digitalized from had written records.

Groningen gas field

Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM) has developed a geological model for Groningen gas field, the Netherlands. This static model is created based on Petrel 2018 and all well and seismic data are included inside a model file. This data publication includes a RESCUE 3d grid data export of the Petrel model. The RESCUE data can be read by many open source software.

Volve oil field

Equinor has offically made a complete set of data from a North Sea oil field available for research, study and development purposes. This includes all subsurface and production data from a Volve oil field on Norwegian continental shelf (NCS). The dataset comprises approximately 40,000 files exceeding to TB size.

FORCE 2020

The FORCE 2020 Machine Learning Contest has been held with in two separate parts: Wells and Seismic. In the well log competition, lithology is required to be predicted from well logs. In the seismic part, faults should be mapped using machine learning algorithms. Both dataset belongs to Norwegian continental shelf. 

Kansas Geological Survey

The Kansas Geological Survey investigates and provides information about the state's geologic and groundwater resources. The dataset contains ZIP files in LAS format of drilled wells through this state from 1999. 

Data Underground

This is one of the richest sources of subsurface datasets. You may find 2D/3D seismic data both post-stack and pre-stack, non-seismic geophysical data, and well logs. Sparsity is the most challenging feature of these data sources; some fields have well data while others have seismic without any well logs.  Data comes from all around the world such as the North Sea, Netherlands, and New Zealand.

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